Fellowship Baptist Academy

MINISTRY DESCRIPTION: Fellowship Baptist Academy is an unaccredited educational fellowship where students read and discuss textbooks with a qualified instructor with the option of writing/presenting projects for critical feedback. A ministerial curriculum covering the various theological disciplines is being prepared to equip students with the foundations of knowledge for various ministries they may engage in.

MINISTRY GOALS: Provide an in-person, accessible, and affordable ministerial and theological education experience for those in our association with or without formal theological training.


SPRING, 2025


A survey of Christian doctrines, with emphasis upon revelation, the nature and work of God, Jesus Christ, humankind and sin, the Holy Spirit, salvation, and last things or eschatology.


CLASS REGISTRATION - Click here to enroll and pay online

CLASS COST: $150 / student - No scholarships available at this time. However, you can pay your tuition in installments, if needed.

CLASS SCHEDULE: Mondays at 7PM, February 3 - May 5

CLASS LOCATION: Classes will be held at Baptist Ridge Camp, 19437 Baptist Ridge Road, Warsaw, MO 65355 

CLASS TEXTBOOKS: Books for the class will need to be purchased by the student    

"Basic Christian Doctrines" available for purchase from publisher: https://freegracepress.com/collections/theology/products/basic-christian-doctrines OR from Amazon: https://a.co/d/h9QMU2z

"The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith in Modern English" available for purchase: https://press.founders.org/shop/the-1689-baptist-confession-of-faith-in-modern-english/
OR read it free online: https://founders.org/library-book/1689-confession/


ACADEMY SPONSORSHIP: Would you or your church like to help support this ministry? Become an Academy Sponsor! Complete the sponsorship form and pay online - click here. Or contact the association office for more information about sponsorships.